Friday, October 11, 2013

American Horror Story - Coven

Tocmai am vizionat primul episod din noul sezon American Horror Story si trebuie sa spun ca mi-a depasit asteptarile. Este pur si simplu genial! Mi se pare incredibil cum acest serial devine mai bun cu fiecare sezon. Noul sezon este mai infricosator, mai misterios si mai sexy. Am observat ca pentru prima oara in American Horror Story, moda joaca un rol important cu ajutorul caruia vor sa transmita niste mesaje. Emma Roberts, una dintre actritele pe care le apreciez foarte mult, o interpreteaza pe Madison Montgomery care este personajul meu preferat, evident! :)) 
Abia astept sa vad ce se va intampla mai departe.

I just watched the first episode of the American Horror Story's new season and I must say that it exceeded my expectations. It's simply brilliant! I find it incredible that this series gets better with each season. The new season is more scary, more mysterious and sexy. I noticed for the first time in American Horror Story, fashion plays a role with which they want to send some messages. Emma Roberts, one of the actresses that I really appreciate plays Madison Montgomery, my favorite character, of course! :)) Can't wait to see what will happen next.

Now I think you understand why I love Madison, don't you?

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