Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kendall & Kylie Jenner's PacSun Line

Dupa cum se stie sunt un fan al surorilor Kardashian, respectiv Jenner, surorile lor mai mici, care au aceasta colaborare cu brand-ul PacSun. PacSun este un magazin de haine foarte trendy, care ofera piese vestimentare pentru adolescentele indraznete si pasionate de moda. De ceva timp surorile Jenner, Kendall si Kylie lanseaza in colaborare cu acest brand, cate o colectie speciala in fiecare an. Prin intermediul asta, fanele lor care le urmaresc in reality-show-ul "Keeping up with the Kardashians", le pot adopta stilul cumparand piese din colectia lor. Acum parerea mea personala este ca hainele sunt foarte versatile, moderne si interesante si nu spun asta doar pentru ca sunt fan si ca le apreciez in mod special pe cele doua.

As you know I'm a fan of the Kardashian/Jenner sisters. The younger sisters, Kendall and Kylie Jenner, have this collaboration with PacSun brand. PacSun is a very trendy clothing store that offers clothing items for young girls, passionate about fashion. For some time Jenner sisters, Kendall and Kylie, launches in collaboration with the brand, one special collection each year. Through this, their fans who follow them in the reality show "Keeping up with the Kardashians", can get their style by buying pieces from their collection. Now my personal opinion is that the clothes are very versatile, modern and interesting and I'm not just saying that because I'm a fan and that I appreciate in particular the two.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Studded Boots

Mi-am indeplinit o mare dorinta dintr-o pura intamplare. Am cautat de mult timp perechea perfecta de ghete cu tinte pentru toamna. Chiar daca e sfarsitul toamnei si iarna bate la usa, ma bucur ca le-am gasit. 
Mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata, vorba aia. 

A dream came true! I was looking for a long time for the perfect pair of studded boots for the fall season. But even if the fall is almost over and the winter is knocking on the door, I'm glad that I found them.
Later is better than never.

Si va las cu o piesa foarta frumoasa cantata de una dintre modelele mele preferate, Sky Ferriera.
Sa aveti un weekend relaxant!

I will let you with this beautiful song by one of my favourite models, Sky Ferreira.
I wish you a relaxing weekend, guys!