Ca tot a devenit Halloween-ul o sarbatoare nationala, desi majoritatea nu inteleg cu exactitate ce simbolizeaza aceasta sarbatoare (Dar ce asteptari sa ai cand multi nu stiu nici ce se sarbatoreste de Craciun?), m-am gandit sa fac o placinta de dovleac in stil american. Am gasit o reteta super usoara pe care am adaptat-o si eu la resursele pe care le aveam in casa si mi-a iesit chiar foarte bine. Stiu totusi ca placinta asta de dovleac se face de Ziua Recunostintei (Thanksgiving), dar oare ce fac americanii cu miezul dovlecilor pe care ii curata ca sa faca acele felinare? Nu tot placinta de dovleac? :))
As Halloween has become a national holiday, although most people don't understand exactly what this day symbolizes (but what expectations to have, when many people don't even know what we celebrate on Christmas?), I thought I could make a pumpkin pie, in the american style. I found a super easy recipe that I've adapted to the resources we had at home and it came out really well. I still know that pumpkin pie should be done at Thanksgiving, but what the americans do with the pumpkin kernels they clean out to make that pumpkin lantern? I guess the pumpkin pie is the answer, again.
Hope you tried this at home, too. Kisses!