Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pumpkin Pie (Happy Halloween!)

Ca tot a devenit Halloween-ul o sarbatoare nationala, desi majoritatea nu inteleg cu exactitate ce simbolizeaza aceasta sarbatoare (Dar ce asteptari sa ai cand multi nu stiu nici ce se sarbatoreste de Craciun?), m-am gandit sa fac o placinta de dovleac in stil american. Am gasit o reteta super usoara pe care am adaptat-o si eu la resursele pe care le aveam in casa si mi-a iesit chiar foarte bine. Stiu totusi ca placinta asta de dovleac se face de Ziua Recunostintei (Thanksgiving), dar oare ce fac americanii cu miezul dovlecilor pe care ii curata ca sa faca acele felinare? Nu tot placinta de dovleac? :))

As Halloween has become a national holiday, although most people don't understand exactly what this day symbolizes (but what expectations to have, when many people don't even know what we celebrate on Christmas?), I thought I could make a pumpkin pie, in  the american style. I found a super easy recipe that I've adapted to the resources we had at home and it came out really well. I still know that pumpkin pie should be done at Thanksgiving, but what the americans do with the pumpkin kernels they clean out to make that pumpkin lantern? I guess the pumpkin pie is the answer, again.
 Hope you tried this at home, too. Kisses!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Delia - Doar Pentru Tine

Delia, o cantareata pe care eu o apreciez foarte mult, a lansat azi videoclipul pentru minunata piesa "Doar pentru tine". Ideea clipului imi place foarte mult. Stiti ca sunt obsedat de vrajitoarele din "American Horror Story", ei bine, clipul asta imi inspira. Nu spun ca a copiat sau a plagiat, nici gand! Consider ca este primul clip din Romania de o asemenea calitate. De la styling, la decor, pana la scenariu si atmosfera, totul reusind foarte usor sa concureze cu orice echipa importanta din afara. Imi place mult pentru ca este total diferit fata de ce avem noi la ora actuala pe piata muzicala. Pentru prima oara un videoclip cu o poveste de hollywood, rupta parca dintr-un film de groaza (In sensul bun al cuvantului. Sunt pasionat de filmele horror de calitate, mai ales acelea cu vrajitoare/fantome si in general tot ce tine de magie si de lumea de dincolo).

"Videoclipul este o productie deFilm / Griffon & Swans, Radu Stancu, regia este semnata de Vlad Fenesan, imaginea George Dascalescu, montajul Mihai Codleanu, iar la sound design Marius Leftarache.
     Piesa este produsa de F.Charm, chitara este trasa de Alex Turcu, iar Delia a compus versurile si linia melodica. Pozele promotionale sunt facute de Dimitri Caceaune impreuna cu David Gal  pe grafica si pot fi vizualizate aici. De make-up s-au ocupat Alexandra Craescu (Delia) si Claudia Musat Cascadarsca (Elias Ferkin), iar stylingul a fost asigurat de Andra Moga." - Sursa: Delia Official

Delia, a singer that I really appreciate, released today the video for the wonderful song "Just for you". I really like the idea of ​​the video. Reminds me of "American Horror Story". I'm not saying she copied or plagiarized, no way! I think it's the first music video from Romania of such quality. From styling to setting up the scenario and atmosphere, all easily managed to compete with any important team. I love it because it's totally different from what we have currently on the music industry. For the first time a video with a Hollywood story, like a horror movie (In a good way. I'm passionate about quality horror movies, especially those with witches/ghosts and generally everything related to magic and the beyond world).

Friday, October 25, 2013

Isabel Marant pour H&M

La Paris tocmai a avut loc mult asteptata lansare a colectiei Isabel Marant pour H&M. Vedete ca Audrey Tautou, January Jones, Freida Pinto, Olga Kurylenko, Alice Dellal, Mélanie Doutey sau Lou Lesage au fost prezente in Paris pentru a sarbatori marele eveniment. Piesele din colectia Isabel Marant pour H&M se vor gasi in magazinele selectate cat si online incepand cu data de 14 noiembrie.

At Paris was the much awaited launch of Isabel Marant collection pour H&M. Celebrities like Audrey Tautou, January Jones, Freida Pinto, Olga Kurylenko, Alice Dellal, Mélanie Doutey or Lou Lesage gathered in Paris to celebrate the launch of the Isabel Marant pour H&M. The collection will be available in selected stores and online on November 14.

Iar lista mea de cumparaturi arata cam asa:
And my wish-list looks like this:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Style Icon: Jamie Campbell Bower

Fiti pregatiti, domnilor! Astazi am pentru voi un exemplu masculin in materie de stil. Este vorba de actorul Jamie Campbell Bower. Eu as zice ca este varianta blonda si mai tanara a lui Johnny Depp (Chiar a si jucat cu el intr-un film). Ce ador la stilul lui Jamie? Faptul ca aparent nu ii pasa. Are mereu un look relaxat, uneori arata ca si cum abia s-a trezit si a iesit in graba pe usa, aruncand pe el ce avea la indemana, dar nu-i asa ca reuseste cumva sa fie sexy? Pai bineinteles! Pentru ca este un look studiat, chiar daca pare neglijent. Nu oricine poate sa iasa in strada cu parul ciufulit, aparent nespalat, cu o geaca de piele si blugi rupti. Trebuie sa iti asumi acest rol. Trebuie sa te reprezinte si sa vina natural. Am observat astfel de tentative "grunge" si pe la noi, dar va rog, spalati-va pe cap. Nu sunteti mai cool sau mai interesanti daca aveti parul slinos. Asta vreau sa exemplific, ca totul tine de atitudine si nu doar de aparente.

Be prepared, gentlemen! Today I have for you a male example in terms of style. It is the actor Jamie Campbell Bower. I'd say it's the blonde and younger version of Johnny Depp. What I love about Jamie's style? The fact that apparently he doesn't care. He always looks relaxed. Sometimes he looks like he just woke up and went out the door in a hurry, throwing him what he had on hand, but not so somehow he manages to be sexy? Well of course! Because it's a studied look, even if it seems sloppy. Not everyone can go out in the street with hair tousled, seemingly unwashed, with a leather jacket and ripped jeans. You have to assume this role. It must represent you and that should come naturally. I noticed some "grunge" attempts, but please, wash your hair. You're not cooler or interesting if you have greasy hair. I want to illustrate that it's all about attitude, not just appearances.

Friday, October 11, 2013

American Horror Story - Coven

Tocmai am vizionat primul episod din noul sezon American Horror Story si trebuie sa spun ca mi-a depasit asteptarile. Este pur si simplu genial! Mi se pare incredibil cum acest serial devine mai bun cu fiecare sezon. Noul sezon este mai infricosator, mai misterios si mai sexy. Am observat ca pentru prima oara in American Horror Story, moda joaca un rol important cu ajutorul caruia vor sa transmita niste mesaje. Emma Roberts, una dintre actritele pe care le apreciez foarte mult, o interpreteaza pe Madison Montgomery care este personajul meu preferat, evident! :)) 
Abia astept sa vad ce se va intampla mai departe.

I just watched the first episode of the American Horror Story's new season and I must say that it exceeded my expectations. It's simply brilliant! I find it incredible that this series gets better with each season. The new season is more scary, more mysterious and sexy. I noticed for the first time in American Horror Story, fashion plays a role with which they want to send some messages. Emma Roberts, one of the actresses that I really appreciate plays Madison Montgomery, my favorite character, of course! :)) Can't wait to see what will happen next.

Now I think you understand why I love Madison, don't you?

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Style Project: Sunny Autumn Day

Ca tot am intrat in luna octombrie cu o vreme prietenoasa, mi-am zis sa va mai inspir cu o tinuta de toamna cu soare. Este vorba de o tinuta de strada, foarte casual dar cu cateva elemente de impact. Bineinteles ca nu lipseste jacheta din piele stil biker, un pulover simplu si niste skinny jeans. Accesoriile joaca un rol foarte important, ele facand diferenta. Eu am ales o geanta cu animal print, dar nu e musai. Trebuie doar sa fie interesanta si sa scoata tinuta din anonimat. 
Ghete Balenciaga (nu, nu zic ca trebuie sa cumparati ghete de la Balenciaga, Doamne fereste! Dar cum avem Zara, Bershka and co. care reproduc piese de la marile case de moda, cine mai trebuie sa dea mii de euro pe niste ghete??) care au acea taiatura interesanta. Mai departe va puteti juca cu fulare si caciuli cu diferite mesaje funny. 
Trebuie doar sa indrazniti sa iesiti putin din anonimat si sa nu va amestecati in turma!

Since we joined October with a friendly weather, I said to myself to inspire you with a sunny autumn outfit. 
It's a street outfit, very casual but with some interesting elements. 
Take your favorite leather biker jacket, a simple sweater and some skinny jeans. Accessories play a very important role. 
I chose an animal print bag, but it doesn't have to be like that. It just have to be interesting.
And then we have Balenciaga boots (no, I'm not saying you have to buy boots from Balenciaga, God forbid! But as long we have Zara, Bershka and co. reproducing items from high fashion houses who have to give thousands of dollars on some boots?) with that interesting details. Next you can play with different scarves and hats with funny messages.
Just dare to come out a little from the crowd and don't be mixed in the flock!