Multumesc Ramona ca ai fost un ghid asa de bun si mi-ai aratat oraselul.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
A Weekend at Targu-Jiu (VIDEO)
Multumesc Ramona ca ai fost un ghid asa de bun si mi-ai aratat oraselul.
Friday, September 21, 2012
OOTD: College Boy
In aceasta zi mohorata pentru unii, eu mi-am gasit inspiratia pentru acest outfit post. Tinuta este foarte simpla, all black, piesa de rezistenta fiind jacheta stil American College Boy. Nu cred a fost vreodata asortata la o jacheta de genul asta, pantaloni skinny, pantofi stil Creepers si o bluza neagra simpla. (Eu cel putin nu am vazut nicaieri. Si recunosc ca arat ca un micut Emo :)) Defapt chiar am fost o perioada adeptul stilului Emo in timpul liceului. Asta este un secret pe care l-am divulgat acum in exclusivitate haha:))
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Peter and Harry Brant
Azi am facut o descoperire: FRATII BRANT. Se pare ca sunt niste baieti ai caror tata este BILIONAR. Un fel de Paris si Nicky Hilton in varianta masculina (si cu mai mult bun gust). Evident, sunt pasionati de moda, mereu prezenti la evenimentele mondene din inalta societate si nelipsiti la Saptamana Modei.
Ca sa nu mai bat campii, mai bine va las cu un fel de biografie. Sursa: kidzworld.
"Growing up in the lap of luxury, Peter and Harry Brant are the sons of industrialist, art collector and the publisher of Interview magazine Peter M. Brant, and super model Stephanie Seymour – and if fashion party pictures are anything to go by, being photogenetic runs in the family! Peter II, 18, and Harry, 15, live in Greenwich, Connecticut and have grown up surrounded by art, high fashion and elegance. They have five half siblings on their father’s side, but Peter and Harry are the closest in age. People are calling them New York’s high fashion’s answer to celebrity sisters Kendall and Kylie, although unlike most teenagers the boys are most well known for being well-spoken, well read far beyond their years and can discuss anything from 18th century furniture to modern art easily! "
"Elder brother Peter is known for his dry, deadpan sense of humor while Harry is said to be more playful and witty. Their father says he has no idea why people are abuzz about his sons, but with 70 000 Twitter followers they must be doing something people like! Harry confessed that he’s a nightowl and often composes his tweets between 1 and 5 am in the morning and they often attend runway shows with their model mother and started out by sneaking onto guest lists!"
"The brothers regularly appear on fashion blogs like The Cut and Refinery29, and were recently profiled in the Style section of the New York Times, making the jump from online celebrities to being published party goers. Despite gaining fame on the style circuit, the boys are focused on school and are never out past curfew."
"The Brant brothers may have made the leap from couture darlings into real celebrity, but they say there’s no chance of a reality show anytime soon, it’s just not their “style.” Peter just finished high school and is majoring in Art History at Hunter with an eye to eventually becoming involved in the luxury goods industry while Harry is interning in the advertising department of Interview magazine for the summer."
Anna Dello Russo at H&M
The Anna Dello Russo at H&M collection will be available in selected stores and online on 4th of October.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
New Goodies
Am facut si cateva poze ca sa va arat ce mi-am luat:
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