Friday, February 3, 2012

Picture Me: A Model's Diary

This documentary takes you into the hectic, and not always glamorous look at the life of a model. With the excitement comes a huge amount of stress and exhaustion. Ole Schell and Sara Ziff, with the help of many others, showed all sides of this lifestyle. From the early morning calls, to the many deadlines, to the huge amount of time spent on planes, and the large sum on the checks, all the way to the meltdowns from sheer tiredness and pressure, I learned quite a bit more than I knew before. I feel more enriched for having seen it. I do recommend it highly for those interested in becoming a model, and for those just curious like myself.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Yes, I'm a Shoe Addict

Urasc iarna, urasc zapada, urasc sa ma imbrac cu 10 straturi de haine. Imi este atat de dor de vara incat m-am apucat sa fac curat printre pantofii de vara si imi aduceam aminte de vacantele la mare, la soare, plimbari nocturne in parc, petreceri, haine subtiri si vaporoase. Ehh amintiri, fratioare! Pana atunci sper sa supravietuiesc eroic frigului care este acum. Iata mai jos cateva poze cu o parte din colectia mea de pantofiori :D