Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The Very Best of Versace for H&M
In sfarsit a sosit lansarea oficiala a colectiei Versace for H&M! M-am trezit de la 7 dimineata sa fiu sigur ca ajung in Mall Baneasa devreme ca sa nu prind prea multa aglomeratie. Am ajuns la ora 9 acolo, din fericire la baieti era intrare libera (la fete a fost mai nasol, pe grupuri de cate 20, cu bratari, cu un anumit timp la dispozitie etc). Stiu ca a fost destul de controversata colectia Versace for H&M la noi, am tot auzit chestii de genul ca sunt kitchoase etc. dar asta este stilul casei de moda Versace, asa a fost dintotdeauna... mie personal chiar mi-au placut foarte mult unele chestii, (este adevarat ca unele piese vestimentare erau putin horror). Am reusit sa imi alcatuiesc o tinuta intreaga (camasa, pantaloni si ghete) si nu am dat foarte multi bani. (la fete a fost mult mai scump... gen daca la colectia pentru baieti, cea mai ieftina piesa vestimentara incepea de la 150 de RON, la fete incepea de la 500 RON). Una peste alta sunt incantat de aceasta colaborare si o felicit pe Donatella pentru aceasta colectie si abia astept urmatoarea colaborare H&M cu un brand renumit. Si mai jos cateva poze facute azi:

Thursday, November 3, 2011
Givenchy Fall 2011 Menswear Collection
Riccardo Tisci had to contend with the bubbling frustration that a 90-minute wait can engender (there was scant hair and makeup to account for the show's delay, but there was, mind you, a rather ill-timed blackout). So? Against a version of "Forever Young" that slowed the beats to a sludgy thud, the proportions of Tisci's clothes—shorts with everything—celebrated the sporty ballers who turned him on to menswear in the first place. That was sweet, except that he also introduced a print of snarling Rottweilers, an aggressive extension of the inveterate Gothicism that saw his models step out under an arch of blood-red roses.
The dogs, with their whiff of nostalgie de lacouncil estate, were typical of Tisci's challenge to polite convention. The impulse to provoke is as strong in him as the inclination to reassure his audience that he is a designer who is entirely capable of shaping perfectly tasteful items of clothing, in camel suiting even. He pushes you away, he pulls you back.
Break that tense dynamic down in Tisci's new collection, and there was a whole lot to like, particularly in his precisely layered tailoring. And what the hell, if you've got the legs, you might as well show them in Givenchy shorts.
The dogs, with their whiff of nostalgie de lacouncil estate, were typical of Tisci's challenge to polite convention. The impulse to provoke is as strong in him as the inclination to reassure his audience that he is a designer who is entirely capable of shaping perfectly tasteful items of clothing, in camel suiting even. He pushes you away, he pulls you back.
Break that tense dynamic down in Tisci's new collection, and there was a whole lot to like, particularly in his precisely layered tailoring. And what the hell, if you've got the legs, you might as well show them in Givenchy shorts.
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